X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy System

X-Ray Surface Analysis Facility
- Manufacturer: Kratos
- Model: AXIS Ultra DLD
- Year: 2013
- Building: 301
- Room: 043
Uses x-ray photoemission in ultra-high vacuum to determine the elemental and chemical composition of the surface of samples. Sensitive to the first 2-5 nanometres of the sample.
- High intensity monochromated x-ray source (Al or Ag).
- Imaging analyser with magnetic immersion lens for high sensitivity.
- Cluster or monoatomic argon ion source for surface cleaning and depth profiling.
- Charge neutralisation for working with insulating samples.
- Helium UV lamp for valence band spectroscopy.
- Preferred sample size: Less than 15mm in diameter and less than 2mm thick. Powders acceptable.