D8 Advance XRD

X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering Facility
- Manufacturer: Bruker AXS
- Model: D8 Advance
- Year: 2022
- Building: 301
- Room: 203
The D8 Advance is a high quality powder X-Ray diffractometer (XRD) with Bragg-Brentano configuration. It is capable of high through phase identification as well as providing high quality data for quantitative determination of phase concentration.
- Has five 15-position sample holders than can be loaded for extended analysis.
- Uses a LynxEye detector for faster pattern collection (up to 100 times faster) and improved resolution.
- Uses a copper X-Ray tube.
- Optional conventional scintillator detector available for structural analysis.
- Instrument is complemented with Bruker EVA software for search/match analysis and a comprehensive full pattern data analysis programme, TOPAS.
Contact: XRDScatteringFacility@curtin.edu.au