Curtin Experimental Geochemistry Facility
The Curtin Experimental Geochemistry Facility (CEG) provides facility for experimental petrology, geochemistry and hydrogeochemistry at pressures and temperatures that range from those at the Earth’s surface to those at the base of the Earth’s crust. We have the capacity to undertake experiments at pressure-conditions that simulate conditions from the surface to the Earth’s mantle.

2×150 tonne end loaded Piston Cylinder Presses
Up to 3 GPa and 1400 degrees C, PUK3 microwelder for sample preparation.

Assorted furnaces to 1400oC
Including equipment for glass tube sealing.

Assorted small pressure vessels (to 0.5 kbar, 300oC)
For field or lab deployment.

Electrochemistry equipment for water under earth-surface conditions (pH, Eh, Cl)
For field or lab deployment.

Coretest Hydrothermal Apparatus
Flow through experiments and two phase sampling to 0.05 GPa and 450°C.

Cold Seal Apparatus
To 0.5 GPa and 750°C.
- Simulation of earth environments from the surface to the lower crust
- Ore metal transport and deposition
- Partitioning of ore metals between solutions and vapour
- Phase equilibria experiments at crustal conditions
- Standard synthesis
- Simulation of mineral weathering